Decentralized solutions for Business
& Financial platforms development
[email protected] +374 (99) 46-46-47

We make Decentralization act easy

As a decenralized systems development company we provide full-stack development for any kind of decentralized solutions

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    Decentralized Applications Development (DApps)

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    Decentralized Autonomous Organizations Development (DAOs)

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    Decentralized Ledger Technology Development (DLT)

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    Ethereum Smart Contracts Development (Solidity)

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    Enterprise Blockchain Solutions Development

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    Decentralized Systems Audit Services

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    Decentralized systems applications

    Power up your business by implementing Blockchain solutions specially designed to provide management with Automation and Transparency

    Property and Assets Management

    Business logic & Processes Automation

    Logistics and Supply-chain Management

    Transparent inhouse Management and Voting

    Identity verification and Access Management

    Financial platforms for Investing and Payments

    Get consulted on your business case Blockchain implementation

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      Innovation Through Decentralization

      • Blockchain is powerfully more secure than traditional databases because it removes middlemen like banks, businesses and governments from the safety equation, replacing them with distributed nodes—computers in a blockchain network. Each node hosts its own copy of the blockchain database so it can participate in the blockchain peer-to-peer network.
      • Blockchain is the first technology combining peer-to-peer networks, public-key encryption and distributed consensus to reduce uncertainty, increase trust and validate data with extremely high certainty. Bonus: all this goodness extends to apps developed on the blockchain.
      • Look at Bitcoin (which is built on blockchain) for an example: every time there’s a transaction, the blockchain network asks multiple computers (nodes) to approve transactions based upon their local blockchain. In order for the transaction to be approved, 51% of nodes have to be in agreement. The process is beautifully democratic, determining what is true by consensus rather than a decision from one central authority.
      • It’s understandable that many blockchain discussions feature Bitcoin, but it’s just the tip of the iceberg for blockchain applications. Nearly any form of digital information can be stored in a blockchain, and almost any digital asset can be exchanged with a blockchain-based smart contract.
      • Because of this, blockchain is a powerful disruptor across some of the world’s largest industries.